Insights | MCC Energy Strategies Inc.



Compressed Air is expensive energy.

Consider this: The amount of electrical energy required to create compressed air to run an air drill is approximately 7 times more than if an electric drill was use. Sometimes, for safety or other reasons, a compressed air drill is needed, but it is important to control leaks, and optimize the system, by selecting the correct operating pressures, filter regulators, pipe diameters, etc. - and by establishing a strong Leak Prevention Program. (Most industrial applications without a Leak Prevention Program lose 20% to 30% of their air in leaks.) For a customer paying $0.158 per kWh, leaks can be a significant cost. For instance, for a single hole, the annual costs are as follows:

Hole Diameter                  Annual Cost

1/16 inch (1.5mm)          $ 1,652

1/8 inch (3mm)                 $ 6,620

1/4 inch (6 mm)                $26,488

(Ref: Best Practises for Compressed Air Systems, 2nd Edition, Page 75)


Energy Modelling

Energy Modelling is useful, and is often times needed, for new projects. It is also used for assessi...

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Solar has great potential in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia has a greater Solar Energy potential than Germany and Germany uses Solar PhotoVoltaic to...

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Custom Retrofit Feasibility Study

Efficiency Nova Scotia provides funding to have a consultant conduct a Custom Feasibility Study for ...

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Efficiency savings through HVAC equipment maintenance, especially economizers.

Repairing or adjusting economizer actuators or dampers may offer savings of 14% to 40%. Repairing f...

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Real Time Electrical Monitoring

Real Time Electrical Monitoring pinpoints how electricity is used in your facility. That can take th...

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Canada Revenue Agency Will Permit 100% Write-Offs in Year 1

It is not often that the CRA will permit a business to write-off 100% of the capital costs in the ye...

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Contact MCC Energy and we'll set up a time to visit your location, assess the problem, get to studying it and (where applicable) have Efficiency NS fund a Feasibility Study. ASAP we will get back to you with ideas for energy efficiency to move forward.